Friday, November 23, 2007

From my N72

Here are a few pics taken in my N72:

Blue Mormon

Common Eggfly

Common Palmfly

Lemon Pansy

Common Lime

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Common Crow

One of the most common varieties of butterflies in Bangalore: The Common Crow!
You just go for a small stroll and you are sure to find one.
The first species which I learnt to identify with the true name.

Blue Mormon

There was this time when I didn't know butterflies by their names.
And I used to name them the way I wanted.
Once, in the campus, I saw a beautiful big butterfly with a wing span of about 6 inches. It was black and its hind wings was a light shade of blue with dots.
I called it the Blue Back.
I searched and searched and searched the net for the real name of this butterfly but in vain.
I even started thinking that I discovered a new variety of butterfly ;-)
Then finally in some site I found that this was called the Blue Mormon and that it was not all that common. Here's the pic for you. One of my favourites!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The first butterfly I saw in Bannerghatta

It was fluttering over a shrub as soon as we entered the park.
I called it the orange and black one.
Now I know it as the Striped Tiger or the Common tiger.
More details about this species in future blogs...

Finally materializing....

Have been thinking for a long time to start this space.
Ever since I realized how endowed Bangalore is with these beautiful colorful creatures which brighten up our days, I have ben wanting to share the wonderful experiences of my butterfly watching in Bangalore.
It all started with a visit to Banerghatta Butterfly Park where I realized that most of the things I thought about butterflies were kind of myths.
I thought butterflies are very hard to find in a city like Bangalore which is so polluted, but then I relaized you always find what u seek if you keep your eyes open.
I thought butterflies were just randomly colored and randomly sized until I realized that you can identify the species by looking at them!
This was followed by weeks of internet browsing and research and I eventually started to keep my eyes open all the time in search of new species. My day was made if I identified a new one which I had seen on the net.
I realized that my office campus was a beautiful abode for these creatures and used to some over even on weekends to capture these colors on camera.
And here I am, starting this space, so that can share with you a few facts abut the differnet species I have been able to identify, my experiences and a few pictures too!!
Happy butterfly watching!!